Our current programme, supported by Opportunity Sheffield , focuses on:
- Identifying and engaging with existing social enterprises in Sheffield which have the potential to become Social Firms.
- Identifying and supporting entrepreneurs to establish new Social Firms with advice, resources and networking opportunities.
- Working in 1:1 and in group settings with social enterprise leaders to outline opportunities for growth, develop their business models to meet the specific needs of the target cohort.
- Liaison with organisations involved in the delivery of employment support to people in Sheffield with LDD, neurodiversity and/or autism, including social sector organisations and local public bodies such as the Council’s Adult Social Care, their Employment & Skills Service and the Department for Work & Pensions.
- Assisting entrepreneurs to provide supported employment to appropriate individuals, through job brokerage, candidate matching and advocacy.
- Providing in-work support to employees in organisations we’re working with, including discretionary funding, to help start and sustain their employment.
- Identifying and signposting to other sources of support for Social Firms and their employees.
- Advising participants on self-employment and small social enterprise options, where appropriate, to help them pursue opportunities which harness the skills and/or interests they have learned or developed.
- Participation in wider activity relating to the work and health agenda through membership of the Sheffield Local Integration Board for Work & Health and the Learning Disability Partnership Board.
We also:
- Look for and respond to opportunities to attract additional investment to support the development of more Social Firms in the city.
- Look for opportunities to promote the Social Firm business model through public policy consultations and policy development at a local, regional (e.g. South Yorkshire Mayoral Authority) and national level.
- Build relationships with trusted agencies and individuals that can provide affordable specialist advice to social firms.